Organizational Governance

The structure of the PARDEP Nepal (general assembly, executive committee, and professional staff) and their role is designed in such a way that it ensures organizational governance, transparency, the leadership of the executive committee in mission delivery, and professional staff team to focus on implementation projects and programs that fall under the approved annual program of the organization. PARDEP Nepal has a 41-member General assembly, the apex body of the organization. The roles of the general assembly are;

  • Responsible approval of policy and strategy that would have long-term impacts on the life of the organization.
  • Endorsement of all progress and expenditures reports of the previous fiscal year.
  • Approval of the annual budget plan and nomination of external auditor for statutory audits.

The general assembly conducts at least one meeting every year and in every fourth meeting, it elects a new executive committee.

Table: Composition of General assembly and Executive committee

S.NDescriptionDalit (F)Dalit (M)Janajati (F)Janajati (M)Others (F)Others (M)Total (F)Total (M)TotalRemark
1Executive Committee121113369
2General Member22718414133447
*(F) = Female
*(M) = Male

Likewise, it has a nine-member inclusive executive committee (please refer to the above table). The tenure of the executive committee is 3 years. The roles of the executive are;

  • Responsible for providing leadership oversight and guidance for the implementation of organizational policy and strategy including timely decision-making required operational decisions.
  • Policy and guideline development
  • Provide support to the executive director in coordination, networking, relationship management, and resource mobilization.

The profile of the PARDEP governance is shown in the below table 2.

Table 2: Detail of Executive Committee Profile

NamePostQualificationArea Of ExpertiseSexCaste/EthnicityTenure
Naresh Prasad ShresthaChairmanMANetworking, Advocacy & Development Activism.MJanajati20
Nain Bahadur BishwakarmaVice- ChairmanB. EdSocial Mobilization MDalit8
Min Prasad SubediExecutive Director /
General Secretary
MAHuman Rights, Rural Development, Advocacy & Networking.MBrahmin19
Bimala LimbuTreasurerMAJournalism, Media Person, Involvement in many OrganizationsFJanajati15
Durga BishwakarmaMemberCMASocial Mobilization & Health Organization.FDalit7
Chandra Maya ThapaMemberBASocial Mobilization.FKshetri5
Kiran GhimireMemberMASocial Mobilization & Teaching.MBrahmin7
Uddab KatuwalMemberMASocial Mobilization & TeachingMKshetri15
Dhan Bahadur MijarMemberBEEngineering.MDalit30
*data as of 2024 updated

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