Major Achievements and Strengths

Through the social mobilization process, PARDEP-Nepal has gained many achievements which are as follows:

  1. It has gained experience in group formation. To the present time, there are 35 women groups,53 mixed farmer groups, 17 drinking water groups, and 14 community forest groups mobilized by PARDEP, and they are still actively connected with it.
  2. The groups and organizations connected with PARDEP have formed an internal fund of more than 13 laks and mobilized it for income generation activities.
  3. PARDEP has conducted public awareness and advocacy-related programs in 25 VDCs and the municipality of Dhankuta.
  4. It has provided Legal Sensitization Training for more than 900 women.
  5. Gender Awareness Activities for Equitable Development is the Cross Cutting issue of PARDEP. There are 4 facilitators for providing training and conducting conference related to it.
  6. It has helped women to become mini entrepreneurs through maximum utilization of local resources.
  7. It has conducted a Health Improvement Program (including HIV AIDS, safe motherhood, Pneumonia, Diahirria) in 14 VDCs with the assistance of BNMT.
  8. PARDEP has successfully managed the program cost of more than 20 caror.
  9. It has tied up with local to international networks.
  10. With the assistance of ADB, 134 agricultural groups are formed and awareness programs are conducted.
  11. With the assistance of the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Kathmandu and Namsaling Community Development Centre Ilam, the improved oven program has been successfully conducted in 15 VDCs and a municipality. 4VDCs (Murtidhunga, Bhirgaun, Chungwang, and Dandagaun) are declared as smoke inside the house-free VDCs.
  12. PARDEP has successfully conducted 32 Rural drinking water and sanitation projects in many VDCs of Dhankuta, Tehrathum, and Sankhuwasabha from 2056 BS(Third Batch) to Ninth Batch with the assistance of the World Bank and Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Fund Development Committee (Fund board) Kathmandu.

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